Combination NeilMed nasal shower + nasal rinse salt 120

NeilMed - Nasal shower + rinse salt

Original price was: €39.22.Current price is: €37.00.

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NeilMed - Nasadock - Nasal Shower Drying Stand


The NasaDock Plus is a handy and, above all, hygienic storage set for your Sinus Rinse nasal shower or NasaFlo neti pot. The storage set allows your nasal shower or neti pot to drain properly after use. It is also an ideal means of keeping your nasal shower or neti pot and nasal rinse salt neatly together, so you never miss out.


  • NasaDock Plus
  • Consisting of:
    - A base unit of 2 parts to store one month's supply of NeilMed Nasal Rinse Salts,
    - 1 vertical unit to hang the cap with tube,
    - 1 small and 2 larger round plates to place your Sinus Rinse nasal shower or NasaFlo neti pot upside down on.
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Nasal shower storage kit Nasadock Plus

This is the ideal tool to clean up your nasal shower or neti pot hygienically after use. You use it to conveniently store the NeilMed nasal rinsing salt bags and clean up your nasal douche or neti pot in a hygienic way. This is really necessary!

We strongly advise you to use the NasaDock Plus as an easy way to let the cap, tube and bottle or neti pot dry properly before another use. This is because it is important to avoid the chance of contaminating your nasal shower or neti pot with bacteria.

A nasal douche or neti pot flushes your nose clean and removes bacteria, viruses, excess mucus, pollen and other debris. You don't want to be infected next time by those same bacteria you first flushed away. That is why it is important to follow the instructions for use and cleaning of your nasal douche or neti pot as well as to store them hygienically with this storage kit. Research shows that people do not handle their nasal douche very hygienically (published on the international site PubMed). Hence our emphasis on it.

NasaDock Plus is a convenient storage kit and suits hygienic use of NeilMed ENT products.

Storage Instructions:

  • Do not store the nasal douche or neti pot with the cap screwed on unless both are dry.
  • Do not store wet parts in a plastic bag when you travel. If the parts are still wet when you leave, wrap them in paper towels.
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