Naso Med

Medical ENT information


NeilMed ENT products are praised by ENT doctors around the world. Hospitals around the world refer their patients to NeilMed's effective nasal irrigation and ENT products for sinus infections, hay fever, allergies and colds. NeilMed products are ranked #1 worldwide.




In the column on the left, you'll see some hospitals that advise their patients to rinse their noses. These are not all of them! Several ENT doctors prefer the NeilMed Sinus Rinse nasal douche. In the Netherlands, doctors are not allowed to advertise. Therefore, unfortunately, we are not allowed to publish their names. We list their statements below.


ENT doctors think the patented, round cap is a good invention because it completely seals the nostril. "There is no nozzle or protrusion going into the nose, so there is hardly any risk of bacterial contamination. You also don't run the risk of damaging your blood vessels and therefore getting a nosebleed. This is sometimes done with a "nozzle" or "spout" that the patient holds at an angle in the nose. The jet of water then sprays against the wall of the nasal cavity, bursting the blood vessels. Or the nozzle or protrusion accidentally bumps against the wall of his nose. Resulting in a nosebleed."


Another advantage of det NeilMed Sinus Rinse nasal douche is its very flexible bottle. It is made of a special kind of plastic, so it can be squeezed very far with a very light squeeze. "I know of no more flexible nasal rinse device than NeilMed's. Excellent for young children and the elderly who have difficulty squeezing. But this is also a very easy bottle for the regular user." Because you squeeze the bottle so easily, you practically empty the NeilMed nasal douche. So hardly any contents are lost.


"The convenience of the NeilMed Sinus Rinse nasal douche increases compliance, which is extremely important for our ENT patients," said an ENT physician.





Rinsing the nose is a standard treatment prescribed by ENT doctors in Europe. Some examples of hospitals that prescribe nasal rinses and NeilMed nasal showers. Of course, there are many more.


Rinsing the nose and sinuses after surgery
Immediately after surgery, the nasal cavities are certainly not yet healed. A normal healing process takes at least four to six weeks. After surgery, the nose and sinuses should be flushed at least four times a day.


Allergy friendly price
We gave Neilmed our "Allergy Friendly Award. NeilMed Sinus Rinse is a natural and therapeutic method for relieving and treating most allergic and sinus related complaints, both chronic and seasonal. NeilMed ENT products have been clinically proven to treat and relieve allergic and sinus symptoms.

Highly effective nasal rinse
NeilMed Sinus Rinse is a highly effective nasal douche to cleanse your nose with a saline solution. This is the only proper method for cleansing the nose after surgery. When performing the nasal rinse, you flush away excess mucus and allergy-causing irritants such as pollen, pollutants, dust particles and bacteria, reducing the inflammation of the nasal mucosa and stimulating the normal nasal mucosa. Normal nasal mucosa will better fight infections and allergies and reduce or even cure symptoms.

Use rinse bottles/nasal irrigators with specially shaped nozzles for nasal use. At this time, we recommend NeilMed Sinus Rinse. After rinsing, use additional nasal drops or a spray. Rinsing the nose regularly helps to flush away clots and crusts and relieves the feeling of congestion. Using a moisturizing gel such as NeilMed Nasogel helps reduce crusts and other discomfort.


Superior to other products
Nasal showering or nasal rinsing is a good "maintenance" method for rhinitis/sinusitis patients. There is an excellent over-the-counter product on the market that does this, called NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢. A saline solution is dissolved in 240 ml of water and sprayed alternately into each nostril to cleanse and refresh the swollen and irritated nasal mucosa. This product is an absolute asset for patients with steroid phobia. As I explain to patients, NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ is harmless (when used correctly) and available without a prescription. As a nasal rinse, NeilMed's ability to reach the upper nasal cavities is far superior to competing products.


Good results
The use of saline nasal rinse is safe, effective, inexpensive and well tolerated. It can be used long-term with good results in the treatment of allergic and non-allergic chronic nasal and sinus infections.

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The column to the right shows a number of hospitals in America and Canada that prescribe the NeilMed Sinus Rinse nasal douche to their patients. NeilMed is the #1 among physicians in the United States and Canada. These are by no means all hospitals that prescribe NeilMed ENT products for treatment.

NeilMed first choice for our patients
Nasal saline rinsing is a quick, simple and cost-effective addition to the treatment of chronic sinus conditions and postoperative care of the nose. Nasal rinsing not only feels good, but is part of a strong evidence-based approach to treating chronic nasal and sinus conditions. NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ is the industry standard against which all other devices are compared. Its ease of use, ease of refill, comfort and NasaDock make NeilMed's SINUS RINSEâ„¢ the first choice for all of our sinusitis patients.

Practical and useful addition
Nasal rinsing with the NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ system is very helpful for our rhinitis and rhinosinusitis patients. Everyone in our practice agrees that nasal rinsing is a practical and useful addition to the treatment of nasal and sinus conditions.

NeilMed key tool in sinus treatment protocol
When treating patients with chronic sinusitis and especially in the postoperative care of these patients, I believe that nasal rinsing with saline is an extremely important part of the overall treatment protocol. By starting intensive saline rinsing early in the postoperative period and maintaining it for 4-6 weeks, my patients heal much better and faster and require much less active wound care. The NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ set is the perfect tool for the majority of my saline patients. I recommend the NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ Kit as a first-line treatment tool when considering using saline rinses as part of my sinus treatment protocol.

Improves airflow in the nose
NeilMed SINUS RINSEâ„¢ has proven very helpful for my patients with chronic nasal and sinus infections. It is easy to use and very effective for removing nasal secretions and improving nasal airflow.

Effective and inexpensive
I have been using NeilMed's SINUS RINSEâ„¢ Nasal Irrigator since 2001. The SINUS RINSEâ„¢ Nasal Irrigator provides an effective and inexpensive adjunct to conventional medical therapy for our patients with chronic nasal and sinus conditions.

The nose filters the air you breathe. Everyone 2 years and older should clean their personal filter (the nose) daily with a saline solution to reduce allergic reactions and the risk of coughs, colds, earaches and flu. (quote from Algemeen Dagblad, 15-4-2011) Hannah Salomon

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