The technical problems have been solved!
To our great sorrow, we had to put our webshop on black from April 16-20 due to technical problems. We offer you our sincere apologies. Very annoying! The good news: it has been solved and we are now benefiting from it.
Faster and more stable
Due to all the problems with the server, our hosting partner has moved our website to a new server with new settings and better configuration, so now runs smoother and faster on mobile and desktop. Before the problems arose, we tried a lot to get the website faster, but it always failed. Now we know why. Fortunately, it's over now and we can move forward again. Sorry for all the inconvenience!
A tragedy. For you as a customer. For almost 4 days you could not order. Terrible. We work hard to make everything run so well and smoothly for you and then this happens. The server at our provider gave big problems. Only it wasn't obvious. At first it seemed to be due to a security update and then the payment module. Before we figured out that our external provider's server was the problem, we were two days down the road, then this company had to get to work, and then restore and set up backups. An incredible job that we literally worked day and night on. We hope never to go through this again, and again we will do everything we can to provide you with the best service possible.